📄️ apic
APIConnect toolkit 4cf706a2d55b5991dc9c6d9bd6f3b8cf63792d74 (Built 2024-04-15T2028Z)
📄️ apic api
Api operations
📄️ apic api:add-attachment
Add an attachment for the given api.
📄️ apic api:add-tag
Add a tag for the given api.
📄️ apic api:get-document
Get a specific entire api document from a developer portal.
📄️ apic api:get
Get a specific api from a developer portal.
📄️ apic api:list
Shows a list of apis from a site.
📄️ apic api:set-icon
Set an icon image for the given api.
📄️ apic apic-config
Apic Config operations
📄️ apic apic-config:get
Get the configuration object that the developer portal holds.
📄️ apic application
Application operations
📄️ apic application:get
Get a specific application from a developer portal.
📄️ apic application:list
Shows a list of applications from a site.
📄️ apic backups
Backups operations
📄️ apic backups:list
List the backups present on the remote backup server.
📄️ apic config
Manage configuration variables
📄️ apic config:clear
Delete all configuration variables
📄️ apic config:delete
Delete a configuration variable
📄️ apic config:get
Get a configuration variable
📄️ apic config:list
List the application and global configuration variables
📄️ apic config:set
Set or update configuration variables
📄️ apic consumer-org
Consumer Org operations
📄️ apic consumer-org:get
Get a specific consumer org from a developer portal.
📄️ apic consumer-org:list
Shows a list of consumer orgs from a site.
📄️ apic content
Content operations
📄️ apic content:create-export
Export a tgz containing the site content
📄️ apic content:create-import
Create a task that imports an archive of site content.
📄️ apic content:delete-export
If running, cancels a content export task.
📄️ apic content:delete-import
If running, cancels a content import task.
📄️ apic content:get-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic content:get-export
When ready, streams a content export artifact.
📄️ apic content:get-import-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic content:list-types
Lists allowed content types on your site.
📄️ apic content:list
Lists all of the entities in your site for the given entity type and bundle.
📄️ apic custom-module
Custom Module operations
📄️ apic custom-module:create-export
Create a task that exports an archive that contains the custom modules of a site.
📄️ apic custom-module:create-import
Create a task that imports an archive that contains the custom modules of a site.
📄️ apic custom-module:delete-export
If running, cancels a custom module export task.
📄️ apic custom-module:delete-import
If running, cancels a custom module import task.
📄️ apic custom-module:get-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic custom-module:get-export
When ready, streams a custom module export artifact.
📄️ apic custom-module:get-import-status
Get the result of the custom module import task.
📄️ apic custom-theme
Custom Theme operations
📄️ apic custom-theme:create-export
Create a task that exports an archive that contains the custom themes of a site.
📄️ apic custom-theme:create-import
Create a task that imports an archive that contains the custom themes of a site.
📄️ apic custom-theme:delete-export
If running, cancels a custom theme export task.
📄️ apic custom-theme:delete-import
Cancels a running custom theme import task.
📄️ apic custom-theme:get-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic custom-theme:get-export
When ready, streams a custom theme export artifact.
📄️ apic custom-theme:get-import-status
Get the result of the custom theme import task.
📄️ apic custom-translation
Custom Translation operations
📄️ apic custom-translation:create-export
Create a task that exports an archive that contains the custom translation of a site.
📄️ apic custom-translation:create-import
Create a task that imports an archive that contains the custom translations of a site.
📄️ apic custom-translation:delete-export
If running, cancels a custom translation export task.
📄️ apic custom-translation:delete-import
If running, cancels a custom translation import task.
📄️ apic custom-translation:get-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic custom-translation:get-export
When ready, streams a custom translation export artifact.
📄️ apic custom-translation:get-import-status
Get the result of the custom translation import task.
📄️ apic custom-webserver-page
Custom Webserver Page operations
📄️ apic custom-webserver-page:delete
Delete the custom HTML for a web server page.
📄️ apic custom-webserver-page:get
Get the HTML for a web server page.
📄️ apic custom-webserver-page:set
Set a custom HTML page for a web server page type.
📄️ apic drupal-config
Drupal Config operations
📄️ apic drupal-config:delete
Delete the Config object.
📄️ apic drupal-config:get
Get the Config object
📄️ apic drupal-config:list
List the config names by prefix
📄️ apic drupal-config:set
Set a config value.
📄️ apic drupal-state
Drupal State operations
📄️ apic drupal-state:delete
Delete the State key.
📄️ apic drupal-state:get
Get the State key
📄️ apic drupal-state:set
Set a state key value.
📄️ apic entity
Entity operations
📄️ apic entity:count
Shows a count of entities from a site.
📄️ apic export-entity
Export Entity operations
📄️ apic export-entity:add-content
Add content to an export entity
📄️ apic export-entity:create
Create an export entity
📄️ apic export-entity:delete-launch-export
If running, cancels a export entity launch export task.
📄️ apic export-entity:delete
Delete an export entity
📄️ apic export-entity:get-launch-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic export-entity:get-launch-export
When ready, streams a content export artifact generated from an export entity.
📄️ apic export-entity:get
Get an export entity
📄️ apic export-entity:launch
Launch a export entity
📄️ apic export-entity:list
List export entities
📄️ apic export-entity:remove-content
Remove content from an export entity
📄️ apic factory-reset
Factory Reset operations
📄️ apic factory-reset:delete
Factory resets the Developer Portal.
📄️ apic forums
Forums operations
📄️ apic forums:disable
Disable the forum module for a given site
📄️ apic forums:enable
Enable the forum module for a given site
📄️ apic ip-security-enabled
Ip Security Enabled operations
📄️ apic ip-security-enabled:update
Enable or disable IP security functionality within the Developer Portal
📄️ apic licenses
Review the license for API Connect
📄️ apic maintenance
Maintenance operations
📄️ apic maintenance:disable
Disables maintenance mode for the given Developer Portal.
📄️ apic maintenance:enable
Enables maintenance mode for the given Developer Portal.
📄️ apic maintenance:rebuild-node-access
Rebuilds the node access table for a Developer Portal.
📄️ apic maintenance:search-api-index-rebuild
Rebuilds and reindexes the search API index for a Developer Portal.
📄️ apic maintenance:search-api-index-status
Prints the search API index status for a Developer Portal.
📄️ apic maintenance:status
Gets the maintenance mode for the given Developer Portal.
📄️ apic memcache
Memcache operations
📄️ apic memcache:disable
Disables memcache on a specific Developer Portal site.
📄️ apic memcache:enable
Enables memcache on a specific Developer Portal site.
📄️ apic memcache:get
Gets the memcache enabled status on a specific Developer Portal site.
📄️ apic modules
Modules operations
📄️ apic modules:delete
Deletes one or more modules.
📄️ apic modules:disable
Disable one or more modules and their dependent modules.
📄️ apic modules:enable
Enable one or more module.
📄️ apic modules:list
Shows a list of available modules.
📄️ apic php-memory
Php Memory operations
📄️ apic php-memory:list
List the PHP memory limit on the platform.
📄️ apic php-memory:update
Set the PHP memory limit on the portal platform.
📄️ apic platforms
Platforms operations
📄️ apic platforms:list
List the platforms present on the portal service.
📄️ apic product
Product operations
📄️ apic product:add-attachment
Add an attachment for the given product.
📄️ apic product:add-tag
Add a tag for the given product.
📄️ apic product:get-document
Get a specific entire product document from a developer portal.
📄️ apic product:get
Get a specific product from a developer portal.
📄️ apic product:list
Shows a list of products from a site.
📄️ apic product:set-icon
Set an icon image for the given product.
📄️ apic queue
Queue operations
📄️ apic queue:get
Shows queued and locked platform related tasks for a Developer Portal.
📄️ apic queue:list
Shows queued and locked platform related tasks across all Developer Portals.
📄️ apic role
Role operations
📄️ apic role:add-permission
Grant specified permission(s) to a role.
📄️ apic role:create
Create a new role
📄️ apic role:delete
Delete a role
📄️ apic role:get
Get a role defined on the site.
📄️ apic role:list
Display a list of all roles defined on the system. If a role name is provided as an argument, then all of the permissions of that role will be listed. If a permission name is provided as an option, then all of the roles that have been granted that permission will be listed.
📄️ apic role:remove-permission
Remove specified permission(s) from a role.
📄️ apic security
Security operations
📄️ apic security:clear-bans
Clear all bans for a site.
📄️ apic service-ip-allowlist
Service Ip Allowlist operations
📄️ apic service-ip-allowlist:add
Add IP(s) to the allowlist.
📄️ apic service-ip-allowlist:delete
Remove all IPs from the allowlist.
📄️ apic service-ip-allowlist:list
List IP(s) currently on the allowlist.
📄️ apic service-ip-allowlist:remove
Remove IP(s) from the allowlist.
📄️ apic service
Service operations
📄️ apic service:list
List the Portal service.
📄️ apic site-config
Site Config operations
📄️ apic site-config:create-export
Create a task that exports an archive that contains the configuration of a site.
📄️ apic site-config:create-import
Create a task that imports an archive that contains the configuration of a site.
📄️ apic site-config:delete-export
If running, cancels a site configuration export task.
📄️ apic site-config:delete-import
Cancels a running site configuration import task.
📄️ apic site-config:get-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic site-config:get-export
When ready, streams a site configuration export artifact.
📄️ apic site-config:get-import-status
Get the result of the site configuration import task.
📄️ apic site
Site operations
📄️ apic site:cache-rebuild
Rebuilds the cache of a specific Portal site.
📄️ apic site:check
Run a platform check against a portal site
📄️ apic site:create-export
Create a task that exports an archive that contains the entire make-up of a site.
📄️ apic site:create-import
Create a task that imports an archive that contains the make-up of a site.
📄️ apic site:delete-export
If running, cancels a site export task.
📄️ apic site:delete-import
If running, cancels a site import task.
📄️ apic site:get-export-status
Returns information about the status of this task.
📄️ apic site:get-export
When ready, streams a site export artifact.
📄️ apic site:get-import-status
Get the result of the site import task.
📄️ apic site:login-link
Gets an admin login link for a specific Portal site.
📄️ apic site:state
Obtain the current state of a portal site
📄️ apic sites
Sites operations
📄️ apic sites:check
Run a platform check against all portal sites present on a portal service.
📄️ apic sites:list
List the sites present on the Portal service.
📄️ apic sites:reset-upgrade-attempts
Resets the Developer Portal site upgrade attempts.
📄️ apic themes
Themes operations
📄️ apic themes:delete
Deletes one or more themes.
📄️ apic themes:disable
Disable one or more themes.
📄️ apic themes:enable
Enable one or more theme.
📄️ apic themes:list
Shows a list of available themes.
📄️ apic themes:set-default
Set a portal's default theme.
📄️ apic twig
Twig operations
📄️ apic twig:debug-disable
Disable twig debugging on a specific Portal site.
📄️ apic twig:debug-enable
Enables twig debugging on a specific Portal site.
📄️ apic twig:debug-status
Shows the current state of twig debugging of a specific Portal site.
📄️ apic user
User operations
📄️ apic user:add-role
Add a singular or multiple roles to the specified Drupal User accounts.
📄️ apic user:block
Block a Developer Portal Drupal User
📄️ apic user:information
Gets Developer Portal Drupal User information
📄️ apic user:remove-role
Remove a singular or multiple roles from the specified Drupal User accounts.
📄️ apic user:unblock
Unblock a Developer Portal Drupal User
📄️ apic validate
Validate an API or product definition
📄️ apic version
Get the APIConnect toolkit version