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apic config:set

Set or update configuration variables


Configuration variables:

catalog The catalog configuration variable should be set to the URI of an API Connect catalog. The value of the catalog provides the default identity of a catalog for all the commands that are used to manage aspects of a catalog. The default values defined by the catalog's URI can be overridden using the --server, --organization, and --catalog command line options. The catalog URI has the form: https://MANAGEMENT_SERVER/consumer-api/catalogs/CONSUMER_ORG_NAME/CATALOG_NAME

org The default value of org defined by the app's or catalog's URI can be set using the org URI. The org URI has the form: https://MANAGEMENT_SERVER/consumer-api/orgs/CONSUMER_ORG_NAME

space The space configuration variable should be set to the URI of an API Connect space. The value of the space provides the default identity of a space for all the commands that are used to manage aspects of a space. The default values defined by the spaces's URI can be overridden using the --server, --organization, --catalog, and --space command line options. The space URI has the form: https://MANAGEMENT_SERVER/consumer-api/spaces/CONSUMER_ORG_NAME/CATALOG_NAME/SPACE_NAME

cloud The cloud configuration variable should be set to the management server URI. The value of the cloud variable provides default server URI for cloud admin commands. It can be overridden using the --server and --mode command line options. The cloud URI has the form: https://MANAGEMENT_SERVER/consumer-api/

mode The value of mode configruation variable defines the toolkit operation mode. It can be overridden using the --mode command line option. The value can be set to apim or consumer

template-path List of places to look for handlebar templates

template-default-api Defines the default api template

template-default-product Defines the default product template

apic config:set NAME=VALUE ... --mode consumer [flags]


$ apic config:set --mode consumer catalog=

$ apic config:set --mode consumer org=


  -g, --global   list the global configuration variables
-h, --help Help for config:set
-l, --local list the local application configuration variables

Options inherited from parent commands

      --accept-license        Accept the license for API Connect
--debug Enable debug output
--debug-output string Write debug output to file
--live-help Enable or disable tracking of limited usage information
-m, --mode string Toolkit operation mode (default "apim")