apic compliance:validate
Validate an OpenAPI or Product
Validate a Single OpenAPI or a Single Product with a specified list of Rulesets. If no Rulesets are provided, spectral-oas and spectral-owasp Global Rulesets will be used for an OpenAPI document, whereas for an AsyncAPI document, the spectral-async Global Ruleset will be used. If validating a Product, a list of one or more Rulesets to be used must be provided.
apic compliance:validate --mode governance [flags]
Possible Usages
apic compliance:validate --mode governance [flags] COMPLIANCE_REQUEST_FILE
--format string Output format. One of [json yaml octet-stream go-template=... go-template-file=...], defaults to yaml.
-o, --org string Organization name or id (required)
--output string Write file(s) to directory, instead of STDOUT (default "-")
--rulesets string Define one or more rulesets to be used by providing the name in the format rulesetName1,rulesetName2 with no spaces when separating names by comma. If one ruleset name is mentioned no comma should be used.
-s, --server string management server endpoint (required)
Options inherited from parent commands
--accept-license Accept the license for API Connect
--debug Enable debug output
--debug-output string Write debug output to file
--lang string Toolkit operation language
--live-help Enable or disable tracking of limited usage information
-m, --mode string Toolkit operation mode (default "apim")