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apic notification-languages:list

Notification Languages list operations


Notification Languages list operations

apic notification-languages:list [flags]

Possible Usages

apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope space --subcollection space
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope space --subcollection consumer
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope org --subcollection space
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope org --subcollection provider
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope org --subcollection consumer
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope org --subcollection catalog
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope org --subcollection admin
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope cloud --subcollection space
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope cloud --subcollection provider
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope cloud --subcollection consumer
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope cloud --subcollection cloud
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope cloud --subcollection catalog
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope cloud --subcollection admin
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope catalog --subcollection space
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope catalog --subcollection consumer
apic notification-languages:list [flags] --scope catalog --subcollection catalog


  -c, --catalog string                 Catalog name or id (required)
--format string Output format. One of [json yaml octet-stream go-template=... go-template-file=...], defaults to yaml.
-h, --help Help for notification-languages:list
--notification-template string Notification Template name or id (required)
-o, --org string Organization name or id (required)
--output string Write file(s) to directory, instead of STDOUT (default "-")
--scope string scope
-s, --server string management server endpoint (required)
--space string Space name or id (required)
--subcollection string subcollection

Options inherited from parent commands

      --accept-license        Accept the license for API Connect
--debug Enable debug output
--debug-output string Write debug output to file
--lang string Toolkit operation language
--live-help Enable or disable tracking of limited usage information
-m, --mode string Toolkit operation mode (default "apim")