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apic login

Log in to an IBM API Connect cloud


Log in to an IBM API Connect cloud

apic login --mode consumer [flags]


Interactive login
$ apic login
Enter your API Connect credentials
? Server:
? Realm: realm
? Username: tommy
? Password: password
Logged into successfully

Non-interactive login
$ apic login --username tommy --password password --server --realm realm
Logged into successfully

Realm for Platform API is of the form: (admin|provider)/<identity-provider>
Use 'admin' for logging in to the toolkit if you are part of a Cloud administrative organization. Use 'provider' for logging in to the toolkit if you are part of a Provider organization.
The following command can be used to identify the identity-providers available:
./apic identity-providers:list --server --fields realm --scope (admin|provider)

Realm for Consumer API is of the form: consumer:<provider-org-name-or-id>:<catalog-name-or-id>/<catalog-identity-provider-name>
The catalog identity provider name is typically <catalog-name>-idp. If multiple User Registries are configured for a catalog, please choose the one where the User's account resides.
Example of realm for Consumer API: consumer:alpha:sandbox/sandbox-idp
The following command can be used to identify the identity-providers available:
./apic identity-providers:list --server --org <provider-org-name-or-id> --catalog <catalog-name-or-id> --fields realm --mode consumer


      --apiKey string     apiKey
--context string context
-h, --help Help for login
-p, --password string password
-r, --realm string realm
-s, --server string management server endpoint
--sso sso
-u, --username string user name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --accept-license        Accept the license for API Connect
--debug Enable debug output
--debug-output string Write debug output to file
--lang string Toolkit operation language
--live-help Enable or disable tracking of limited usage information
-m, --mode string Toolkit operation mode (default "apim")