API Developer
A data source is your backend data repository. In this case we will be using MySQL to store the inventory item information. There are two parts to this. First is downloading the actual loopback connector for MySQL. Then, you will configure the connector properties for the MySQL database.

Create the MySQL Connector

  1. In the API Connect Toolkit, select the Data Sources tab.

  2. Click on the Add + button, then give your new data source the name inventory-items and click on the New button:

  3. In the Connector drop down menu, select MySQL.

  4. Click on the Install Connector link to download the connector module for MySQL data sources.

  5. Wait for the connector installation to complete, then click on the Close button.

  6. Complete the connector configuration properties form with the following values:

    URL: leave blank

    Host: demo.apicww.cloud

    Port: 3306

    User: student

    Password: Passw0rd!

    Database: think

  7. Click on the save icon to test connectivity to the MySQL data source.


Proceed to Create a Model for the Inventory Items