API Developer
Modify the security policy for your new API version to tell it to use your OAuth 2.0 provider.

Apply an OAuth Security Policy

  1. Navigate to the Security Definitions section.

    Click the + icon in the Security Definitions section and select OAuth from the menu.

    A new security definition is created for you, called oauth-1 (OAuth).

  2. Scroll down to edit the newly created security definition.

    Set it to have the following properties:

    Name: oauth

    Description: Resource Owner Password Grant Type

    Flow: Password

    Token URL: <Catalog Gateway Endpoint>/oauth2/token

  3. Click the + icon in the Scopes section to create a new scope. Set the following properties. Note the organization portion of the token URL will be different for each student.

    Scope Name: inventory

    Description: Access to all inventory resources

  4. Navigate to the Security section and check the oauth (OAuth) checkbox.

  5. Save your changes.

  6. Click on the <- All APis link to return to the draft API list.


Now you have a new version of the Inventory API that is secured using an OAuth provider. In the next lab, you will use the IBM API Connect Management Server’s lifecycle controls to replace the running version 1.0.0 with the new version 2.0.0.

Proceed to Lab 4 - Use Lifecycle Controls to Version your API.